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OOP344 Team Funktion

993 bytes added, 13:43, 1 November 2009
'''Fardad:''' What we are doing in OOP344 has never been done anywhere, and the world is watching now, and I am not kidding when I say that.
=Another Team's IRC Meeting=
==Fardad adds io_textedit==
I am going to do IO_TextEdit...
I will right the steps as I am doing it.
I am adding a headerfile and cpp file to my visual studio...
In solution exp. rightclick on headerfiles, add / new item
Added code/headerfile: "io_textedit.h"
klim4: we do not add our solutions to the repository do we?
fardad: no only PRJ.vcproj, that I already did
Now i am righclicking on sourcefiles/newitem code/cpp file
Added save (gard?) code to the headerifle
Included general headerifle in io_textedit.h
klim4 what is the general headerfile?
fardad io_def.h
It will have all necessary definitions and includes for the project...
Adding io_textedit.h and io_textdit.cpp to rep
Compiled and it was successful, so I will commit now.
Done, you can now update you working copy and see what I did. You should do the same for all the other classes. It should not take you more than 30 minutes to do you part, just pick a class and write it.
=To Do=

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