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This is my first experience in building such a big application. It took me a lot of time to do the research, I went to Google, went to ChatZilla, and went to blog, tried to get help. The following are my steps to build FireFox.
<b><font style="font-size:120%"> Step 5: </font></b>
Create a text file named .mozconfig containing following content in “c:\proj\mozilla” from command line.
| style="background:black; color:white" | C:\proj\mozilla> copy con .mozconfig
Login to the mozilla CVS repository, using the password anonymous.
{|| style="background:black; color:white" | C:\> cd c:\proj| C:\proj> buildenv.bat| C:\proj> cvs login|}
<b><font style="font-size:120%"> Step 7: </font></b>
Checkout the build script.
{|| C:\proj> cvs co mozilla/browser/config mozilla/client.mk|}
<b><font style="font-size:120%"> Step 8: </font></b>
Get the full source from CVS:
{|| C:\proj> cd mozilla| C:\proj\mozilla> make -f client.mk checkout|}
<b><font style="font-size:120%"> Step 9: </font></b>
Build the Firefox from source:
{|| C:\proj\ mozilla> make -f client.mk build|}