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What is Ubuntu?

1,215 bytes added, 08:03, 10 July 2010
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<table width="100%">[[Category:Ubuntu]][[Category:Linux]]<tr> <td>[[Image:Edubuntu.jpg|right]]
'''Ubuntu ''' is a computer operating system that is based on the Debian [[:Category:Linux |Linux]] distribution.
'''Linus Toralds ''' , while attending University in Helsinki , Finland in the early 1990s, wanted to create a UNIX-like operating system for his 386 computer. He created the '''Linux ''' operating system, but what was interesting was that instead of charging for his product, he made this OS Linux "open sourceaccess" to allow others to see and modify his Linux kernel to meet their own needs. By making this operating system "opensource", people could work worked together (collaboratecollaborated) to make a better, current more adaptable operating system. Because As a result of this collaboration (and thanks to '''Richard Stallman''' and the Linux kernel is "open"'''GNU Project'''), various different versions of Linux have been created such as [ Red HatEnterprise Linux], [[Fedora]], Open [], [ Mandriva], etc[ Debian], and [ Ubuntu].
The term *'''Ubuntu* ''' is an old ''ancient African philosophy explaining '' that helps to define people's allegiances and relations with each other(i.e. community). This name suits the free Linux distribution very well since it "open source" is heavily involved all about sharing and working together as a programming and supportive community of users. Over the years, Ubuntu has gained recognition a reputation as a an easy-to-use Linux operating system. In my opinion, this is the version of Linux that first-time Linux users (''newbies'') should use...
There have been many versions of Ubuntu for specialized reasons including:
* '''[ Edubuntu ]''' (Education version - including LTSP for Computer Lab setup)* '''[ Kubuntu ]''' (KDE desktop environment default instead of Gnome - very "Windows-like")* '''[ Xubuntu ]''' (Xfce4 desktop environment default instead of Gnome - low overhead)* '''[ Ubuntu Studio]''' (Music Recording, Video Recording, Graphical Studio - Realtime Kernel)* '''[ Mythbuntu]''' (Runs complete TV / DVR / Multimedia Center - Mythtv)* '''[ Ubuntu - MID ]''' (Internet Devices Edition)* '''[ Ubuntu - Netbook Remix ]''' (Used for netbook computers)* '''[ Ubuntu - JeOS ]''' (<u>J</u>ust <u>E</u>nough <u>O</u>perating <u>S</u>ystem to run virtual appliances)
</td><td>[[Image:Edubuntuedubuntu.jpg png| ]][[Image:kubuntu.png| ]][[Image:xubuntu.png| ]][[Image:mythbuntu.png ]][[Image:ubuntustudio.jpeg ]]</td></tr></table>

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