added screenshot
After spending all of this time installing and setting up various things it would've been nice if it “just worked” but that was not the case. During the first build attempt I had an error about 20 minutes in. I did some googling on it and found nothing useful. I double checked my mozconfig and it looked fine. Finally, I went to irc://irc.mozilla.org/#developers and the first thing they asked me was “what version of make are you using?”. Whoops! I re-read the Windows Build Prerequisites and learned that make 3.81 is NOT supported. Installing the right version (3.80) was an easy task with Cygwin and I was quickly restarting the build from scratch. Again, shortly after the build began I encountered an error. Looking back at my conversation in #developers I saw that a few people suggested looking at the [[Tinderbox]] before pulling HEAD. I'm still unsure what to look for on the [[Tinderbox]] page but I now know that the HEAD tree is often broken. There was nothing I could do about this error except wait a bit and try again.
== Screenshot ==
The fruits of my labour:
[[Image: bhearsumbuild.jpg]]
== Conclusion ==