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316 bytes added, 19:22, 23 March 2009
Edit the client configuration file /etc/ldap.conf
====Edit the client configuration file /etc/ldap.conf====
1.- Find the line starts with the word "'''host'''" and set the IP address to the appropriate value. -> Use if the OpenLDAP server is running on your own machine, otherwise set it to the IP address of the OpenLDAP server.
2.- Find the line starts with the word "'''base'''" and set the context to your base directory. -> For the purpose of this lab, set it to:base dc=ops535nad810,cddc=com 3.- Find the line starting with "'''uri ldap://'''", if your client is the same machine than your server, leave, otherwise set it to the IP of the OpenLDAP server. Note: The lines "'''base'''" and "'''uri ldap://'''" should be set in '''/etc/openldap/ldap.conf''' file as well.
====Edit the name service switch configuration file /etc/nsswitch.conf====

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