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1,362 bytes added, 21:09, 17 September 2006
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I first started off building Firefox on my Windows XP machine using Visual Studio.Net 2003. Unfortunately I had some problems along the way and solved them by using and by asking for help in the IRC chat. When I finally built Firefox I tried to run it but wasn’t successful because it crashed on me. So I tried building it on two other hard drives and I got the same error. Since I was short on time I decided to give Linux a try and see if I would be more successful with building Firefox on a Linux operating system.

I was finally able to build Firefox successfully on Ubuntu, which took me about one night to do.
This document will discuss the build requirements such as hardware and software that I needed in order to build Firefox successfully. I will then focus on the steps that took me to fully complete the build and any problems that I encountered along the way. I will end it off with some useful resources that I found and used throughout the process of the build and then talk about my experience with my first open source build.

==Hardware Configuration==

Intel Pentium 3 Processor 450 Mhz
256 MB RAM
40 Gigabyte Hard Drive

=Software Installation=


=The Build=


==Problems Encountered==



Coming soon!


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