sudo aptcvs -get install d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@cvs gcc-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot co mozilla/client.mk
cvs checking for gtk+-d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@cvs2.0 >= 1.3.7 gdk-mirrorx11-2.0 glib-2.0 gobject-2.0.mozilla.org:/cvsroot co mozilla/client.mk
...Browsing through the IRC logs, I realized I needed to install a few more dependencies, specifically '''libgtk-dev''' and '''libidl-dev'more to come''. After that, everything went chugging along or so it seems.
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==Getting the required dependencies==
The default installation of Ubuntu 6.06 was rather bareboned for developers. I had to install some required tools to get started, namely the gcc compiler and cvs. Now I'm ready to check out some code and compile stuff! After getting the green light on Tinderbox, I proceeded by executing the following command:
Unfortunately, that command just hung there. CVS wasn't checking out anything. I double-checked the [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mozilla_Source_Code_Via_CVS#Requirements|documentation] and apparently cvs 1.12.9 was reported to work fine. After spending an hour looking around, I came to the conclusion that the college labs had the cvs port blocked. Now I'm ready had to resort to downloading the source and compiling it on my old computer at home. ==Configuring and Building==The second attempt to check out some code and compile stuff! After getting the green light on Tinderboxsource from CVS was sucessful. So it was the college firewall that was causing problems earlier. Next, I proceeded by executing had to configure the build options. I went ahead with the sample .mozconfig included in the build documentation: <pre>. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfigmk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/ff-opt-staticac_add_options --enable-optimizeac_add_options --disable-debugac_add_options --enable-staticac_add_options --disable-sharedac_add_options --disable-testsmk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser</pre> Everything seems ready. So I started compiling: <pre>make -f client.mk build</pre> ... which then died at the following commandpre-requisite check: