<b>Lab 2</b>
Modify the sample firewall script and run it on your LAN gateway and hosts to allow access to the following services on your LAN<bbr />Part 1<* ssh, and* all the ports specified in the file /etc/b>openports** the first field of each line is the port number, the rest is description or comment** line starts with the # sign is a comment * Modify all the sample firewall script ports to make it run be forwarded specified in the file /etc/fwports** this file should exist only on the a gateway/router machine ** line starts with the # sign is a comment** the first field of your LAN (Physical each line is the port to be forward, the rest is description or Virtual).comment * Modify After testing your firewall, use the iptables-save command to save the sample firewall script output to make it run a file. Name the file on the gateway as "gw-fw.txt" and name the file on thehost as "host-fw.txt". Email both files to your instructor by Feb 3, 2009.
= Week 3 (January 26) - Network Authentication using NIS =