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251 bytes removed, 00:52, 20 January 2009
School Schedule
| width="10%" | 9:50
| width="18%" | -
| width="18%" | BTN 710
| width="18%" | tutoring
| width="18%" | -
| width="18%" | BTN 710-| width="18%" | -| width="18%" | -
| width="10%" | 11:40
| width="18%" | tutoring
| width="18%" | DPS 909
| width="18%" | -
| width="18%" | BTH 740-| width="18%" | CPP 700-| width="18%" | -| width="18%" | -
| width="10%" | 1:30
| width="18%" | tutoring-| width="18%" | BTH 740-| width="18%" | BTS 730-| width="18%" | DPS 909-
| width="18%" | -
| width="10%" | 3:20
| width="18%" | tutoring
| width="18%" | -
| width="18%" | BTB 720-| width="18%" | BTB 720-| width="18%" | BTS 730-| width="18%" | -
'''Current workload:'''
*BTN 710 - Information Security:*recover from final exam *BTB 720 - Marketing:*recover from final exam *BTS 730 830 - Huge Document Project Management:*recover from final exam *BTH 740 - Human-Computer Interaction:*recover from final examtwiddle thumbs
*DPS 909 BTC 640 - Open Source DevelopmentMultimedia Presentations:*finish that v0.3, goshdarnittwiddle thumbs
*CPP 700 DPS 911 - Co-opOpen Source Development:*twiddle thumbsfinish that v0.4, goshdarnit
== Hobbies ==

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