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463 bytes added, 23:42, 22 January 2009
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<span style="background: #ffff00">'''Note!''' This information is under revision.</span>
= SEC830 - Security Issues =
SYA810 is taught by [[User:Selmys|John Selmys]] (Winter 2009)
== External Links == See the [ Winter 2009 SEC830 Weekly Outline Schedule] for specific dates and topics. For up to date notes, see [ John's winter 2009 SEC830 page on CS] This is the [ old SEC830], from Jan 2007. NOTE: It will be updated this semester. Here's a good article about [ passwords and encryption] on Linux. == Lab Notes == Here's the place to put notes dealing with our labs. For example, problems we ran into and their solutions; things we discovered; weird results, etc. etc. (But please, NOT the answers to the questions before the due dates.) [[ 2009_SEC830_LAB01 | Lab #1 ]] [[ 2009_SEC830_LAB02 | Lab #2 ]] [[ 2009_SEC830_LAB03 | Lab #3 ]]
See the [[ Winter 2009 SEC830 Weekly Schedule2009_SEC830_LAB04 | Lab #4 ]] for specific dates and topics.
Nes: This is the [[ old SEC8302009_SEC830_LAB05 | Lab #5 ]], from Jan 2007. NOTE: It will be updated this semester.
== Subject Description ==
* System Security - 15%
** backups
** monitoring accounts
** system logs
* Network Security - 20%
** trusted hosts
** TCP wrppers
** securing network services
** firewalls
** network file systems (NFS CIFS)
** wireless security
* The Secure Shell (SSH) - 10%
** Installation installation, configuration and Configurationuse
* Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) - 10%
** Installationinstallation, Configurationconfiguration, Administrationadministration
* Security Tools - 15%
** Tripwiretripwire, Crackcrack, Satansatan, Saintsaint** Root kits** Tigertiger, COPS** Sniffers sniffers (tcpdump, sniffit, kismet)** Port port Scanning using nmap
* Intrusion Prevention Mandatory Access Controls - 10%** AppArmor
** SELinux
=== Prescribed Text ===
* Hack NotesNone: Linux and Unix Security Portable Reference by Nitesh Dhanjani; ISBN 0-07-222786-9 published by McGraw-Hill/OsborneWeb links to relevant information will be given during the semester.
=== Reference Material ===

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