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NetworkManager Web Authentication

1,909 bytes added, 02:18, 15 December 2008
Project News / Updates
* [[User:Scott | Scott Lunel]], [[User:Pplam3|Patrick Lam]], [[User:Twlai1|Tony Lai]] - network login page screenshot and HTML
* [[User:AaronMT|Aaron Train]], [[user:Tjbro|Thomas Brown]] - Tested nmAutoLogin 0.1/0.3
== Contribution Opportunities ==
* Test on different web-authenticated networks (0.3 or 0release (see info and instructions in [http://belligero.4 org/blog-layout/35-networkmanager-automatic-web-authentication-03-pre-release)this blog post].
* Network authentication web pages (ie: SeneNET, AirYork, etc)
* Source & compiled files can be found [ here]
* [ More detailed blog entry on the release]
=== 0.3 - December 4, 2008 ===
* Renumbered to 0.1 for the release to the NM mailing list
* Added Python script to listen to NM connection
* Reworked Javascript threading
* Automatically opens a new window in Firefox at "" and submits it
* Source & compiled files can be found [ here]
* [ More detailed blog entry on the release]
== Project News / Updates ==
12/15/2008 -
* [ Sent email] to NetworkManager mailing list about 0.1/0.3
12/04/2008 -
* 0.3 release. Info [ on my blog]
12/03/2008 -
* [ 0.3 pre-release], for people to test, before the full release sometime this week
12/01/2008 -
* Daemon is essentially done. There is more to be done for this in the future, but for this 0.3, it is done
** Picks up connected to network
** Pulls out SSID from selected wifi network
** Sends "network connect" signal to FF, followed by the SSID of the network
* One thing needs to be fixed in Firefox, and I will consider myself done my 0.3 release
11/29/2008 -
* Some sort of [ blog post about britches] (this is what happens when I feel silly, but am making a blog post)
* The daemon part of the 0.3 release is nearly complete
** Listens for when NM connects to a network
** Does a bunch of black magic and spits out the active network's SSID
11/23/2008 -
* Spoke with Dan Williams on IRC about NM and DBus. A lot of questions answered, and some good documentation provided

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