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Potential Projects

703 bytes added, 14:17, 17 April 2013
Reverted edits by Saoagent (Talk) to last revision by Chris Tyler
'''Students:''' If you'd like to work on one of these, move the chosen project to the [[Project List]] and create a page for your work based on the [[Sample Project]] template.
<span style="background: #ffff00">'''NoteOpen Source Community Members:'''</span> OSD/DPS students are encouraged to select We welcome your recommendations for potential projects. Please create an account on this Wiki and create a Mozilla or OOo description for your proposed projectbelow. LUX students are encouraged Please list your contact info (just an IRC or FAS2 name is OK) as well as links to select a Fedora any related web pages as Resources for the proposed project. If you are interested in a project from (Questions? Ask [[user:Chris Tyler | Chris Tyler]] or [[user:David.humphrey | David Humphrey]]). = SBR600 Potential Projects = For possible projects for the other communitySBR600 Software Build and Release Course, please discuss it with your professorlease see the [[SBR600 Potential Projects]] page.
'''Open Source Community Members= Potential Eclipse WTP Projects = See the list of potential bugs [https:''' We welcome your recommendations for potential projects//bugs. Please create an account on this Wiki and create a description for your proposed project beloweclipse. Please list your contact info (just an IRC or FAS2 name is OK) as well as links to any related web pages as Resources for the proposed projectorg/bugs/report. (Questionscgi? Ask [[user:Chris Tyler | Chris Tyler]] or [[user:Davidx_axis_field=priority&y_axis_field=product&z_axis_field=bug_severity&query_format=report-table&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&classification=WebTools&product=WTP+Common+Tools&product=WTP+ServerTools&product=WTP+Source+Editing&product=WTP+Webservices&long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=minor&bug_severity=trivial&priority=P2&priority=P3&priority=P4&priority=P5&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&format=table&action=wrap&field0-0-0=assigned_to&type0-0-0=regexp& | David Humphrey]com&field0-0-1=noop&type0-0-1=noop&value0-0-1= here])<!--
= Potential Fedora Projects =
Lots of good ideas are listed in [[:fedora:SummerCoding/2008/Ideas|Summer Coding Ideas (Fedora Wiki)]]. These projects were originally proposed for Google Summer of Code projects; if you want to use one of them, please discuss it with [[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]] before selecting it, because the scope and mentorship model for GSOC is different from that of the LUX projects.
== Free-open font packaging Cobbler Web ==
The gratis release of Cobbler is a collection of web fonts in 1996 had a devastating effect on many font projectsLinux install server that simplifies tasks associated with fully automated installation such as DHCP, DNS, kickstart, yum, drainning the font market in western countries and limiting the use of other typefaces virtualization. It aims to typography nichesbe a universal install server for all linux distributions. However, this program Currently Cobbler has been discontinued and the gratis versions a web interface that allows users an easier way of those fonts interacting with cobbler. There are no longer updatedseveral core improvements that can be made. Since One idea is to extend cobbler web to produce views that make it easier for users to edit fields that only they edit (let me reinstall systems I own but don't show me fields I shouldn's codification pace of human scripts has not abated, and the font formats have evolved (with the OpenType specificationst care about), this font set . Another is increasingly obsoleteto enable search features in the web app to make it tolerate thousands of systems to a better extent. Also Finally, many scripts were never coveredanother feature is to add a task engine to cobblerd, leaving entire world regions without mass access to a way make it possible to write run commands like "cobbler import" and "cobbler reposync" in the background and see their language output in the digital ageweb interface via an AJAXy type system.
An operating system of browser that relies Possible features are not limited to the above (or just working on the 1996 font set for its text rendering is not really free. And text is still our main information media. Faced with this problem many individuals and organisations have started creating and publishing new fontsweb interface), but they lack the clout of multinationals to get successfully distributed, and are often poorly structured. The aim of this project would be to identify as many of those free fonts as possible and package them Cobbler has an ongoing RFE list in Fedora. The result would serve as Trac that has a core component wide variety of Fedora's art spinpotential ideas, and as basis for a richer international experience in Fedora (and derivatives such as OLPC) This project is mainly targeted at free software (in this case fonts) distribution dynamics. You'll learn some rpm packaging skills, and be exposed to many different font projects worldwide, some big, some small, some efficient, some poorly run. A project second stage would be to capitalize on ideas beyond the experience acquired and publish a set of distribution best practices for font authors, including recommended release composition, generic makefile, etcones listed are also fair gameThe Fedora [http See Fonts special interest group] will provide mentoring, technical support, and [http:cobbler/report/ documentation]. An initial [ list of fonts to package] has already been published. Contact: Nicolas Mailhot <nim AT>1?sort=type&asc=1
Contact: Michael DeHaan
== Personal Koji Repositories ==
== Benchmark Nightlife Scalability Issues ==
Using Puppet, or some other management tool, create a grid of a
dozen machines, then turn that into 12,000 machinemachines. Address the network
characteristics - how much bandwidth do you need on different
components, the communication mechanisms - does UDP work at such a
Resource: [[:fedora:Nightlife|Nightlife wiki page]], Matthew Farrellee
<!-- - Below: Commented out by Chris Tyler 2008-08-31 -- I think we'll get all the students doing this.
== Review Packages ==
= Potential Fedora+Mozilla Projects =
== [[Sample Project]] ==
NOTE: if someone has already created the project page, speak to this person and see if you can join them. If so, simply add your name to the '''Project Leader(s)''' page. Otherwise, you can become a contributor later.
= Potential Mozilla Projects =Improve Localization build system == Currently it requires many many steps to produce another language of Firefox.It would really easy to package these many steps to reduce the required knowledge to generate a new language. Adding a few make steps to wrap this process would help everyone.This is a very easy project to tackle but very benefitial if the time and love is given to it.
== [[Sample Project]] ==Reference: armenzg
This is == Create a cross-repo pushlog to see all locales's checkins ==We currently check many different repositories to trigger builds when a developer makes a sample project stubchange. You can use We also check the template for [[Sample Project]] in order localizer's repositories to see if they have pushed any changes. The problem is that we have close to create eighty different localization repositories and that takes a project page for long time to check each one of them.If we had a joint view that would improve our systems. An example of that view is: the stubs belowformat should be more like this:http://hg. This is how you 'sign-up' what our release engineering systems check for a .This projectwould require you to hack hg and pushlog to make it work.armenzg has many blog posts explaining how to setup pushlog in your local machine.
NOTEReference: if someone has already created the project page, speak to this person and see if you can join them. If so, simply add your name to the '''Project Leader(s)''' page. Otherwise, you can become a contributor later.armenzg - Bug 498641
== Thunderbird SMTP Auto-Sensing ==
== <strike>XULRunner Application Packaging ==
Help to develop an [ automated packaging system] for XULRunner applications.
Resources: plasticmillion, mfinkle, #mozpad, #prism</strike>
== 'Compact databases' feature for Mozilla calendaring applications (Lightning, Sunbird) ==
Resources: ted
== <strike>Add OpenLayers test suite to Mozilla </strike>==
<strike>Mozilla [ uses] many common JavaScript library test suites to add additional coverage to it's JavaScript implementation. One test suite that is not currently used by Mozilla, but could be, is the [ OpenLayer's] js [ test suite]. See [ bug# 399311].
Resources: sayrer</strike>
== <strike>Import sqlite test suite</strike> ==
Resources: Fallen
== Contribute to Private Browsing tests ==
The new Private Browsing feature (see [ bug 248970] and the [ test plan]) needs thorough tests written in order to insure its proper functionality. This will involve collaborating with those writing the patch and tests in order to develop a full suite of tests.
Resources: ehsan, [ discussion of Private Browsing]
Resources: ted (but find someone better!)
== 3D object picking ==
Canvas 3D JS Library is a library for the creation and manipulation of 3D scenes in the browser without needing to know much 3D programming. Part of this project is to handle mouse input. This particular project looks at how to perform "picking". That is, when given a coordinate within the canvas, return the 3D object at that location.
Resources: cathy, Andor (
= Potential OOo Projects =

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