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Import sqlite test suite

783 bytes added, 07:51, 23 September 2008
Project News
== Project News ==
*<b>Sept 2008/9/15, 2008</b> ***Create Project*<b>2008/9/16</b>***Compile Firefox*<b>2008/9/17** Research web***[ Shawn Wilsher] ***[ SQLite]***[ mozilla source code]***[ mozilla dev]*<b>2008/9/19</b>***Install SQLite manager 0.3.10 [ download]*<b>2008/9/20</b>***checking the .sqlite file and table structure***SQLite in my computer: <pre>C:\Documents and Settings\user account name\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\bulid name.default\</pre><pre> Files: signons.sqlite / search.sqlite / places.sqlite / permissions.sqlite / formhistory.sqlite / downloads.sqlite / cookies.sqlite / content-prefs.sqlite</pre>

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