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Project List

602 bytes added, 12:46, 18 September 2008
Active Projects
|[[User:felis|Irina Sh.]]
|[[Bugzilla Unit Tests Using Test::More]]
|Add SQLite Support for Bugzilla. Then add unit tests using Test::More for every method in every object. For v.0.1-0.3 adding SQLite Support is a priority.
|[[User:felis|Irina Sh.]]
|[[Add Offline Support to an open source web app::More]]
|Firefox 3 supports offline abilities, such that web developers can write their apps so they work even when no network is present. Good headway has been made already porting Zimbra. Pick another web app and add offline support, for example: Moodle. .
|[[User:nadavers|Nino D'Aversa]]

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