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SYA710 Lab01

1,269 bytes added, 18:36, 17 September 2008
PART C (Container is a logical volume):
with password 'seneca99'.</li>
<li>Open a console window and switch to superuser with this command:<br>
<brpre> su - <br> <br/pre>
<li>Create a regular file (filled with zeros) which will be the
container for our file system.
Use this command:<br>
  <brpre> dd if=/dev/zero of=fakedisk bs=1024 count=10000 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Use the losetup command to associate your file with /dev/loop0
like this:<br>
<brpre> losetup /dev/loop0 fakedisk <br> <br/pre
<li>Now create a file system in the container:<br>
<brpre> mkfs -t ext2 /dev/loop0 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Make a directory to be a mount point for the file system:<br>
<brpre mkdir /mnt1 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Mount the file system:<br>
<brpre> mount /dev/loop0 /mnt1 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Record the output of the following command:<br>
<brpre> df -Thi/dev/loop0<br> <br/pre>
<li>Unmount the file system<br>
<brpre> umount /mnt1 <br>  <br/pre>
<li>Delete the loop device<br>
<brpre> losetup -d /dev/loop0 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Delete the fakedisk fileusing the rm command.<br> 
<li>Answer the questions 1 to 4 in PART D, then do PART B.<br>
=== PART B (Container is a partition): ===
Perform Reboot the system and perform the following steps:
<li>Use fdisk to make primary partition #4 of about 1GB size.<br>
<li>Inform the kernel of the change in the partition table with the
<brpre> partprobe <br> <br/pre>
<li>Make an ext3 file system in the new partition:<br>
<brpre> mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda4<br>  <br/pre>
<li>Make a new directory (mkdir /mnt1) and mount the file system onto it like this<br>
<brpre> mount /dev/sda4 /mnt1 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Now copy the contents of your /home directory to this new file
system like this:<br>
  <brpre> cp -a /home/* /mnt1 <br> <br/pre>
<li>Add the following line for your /etc/fstab file<br>
<pre> /dev/sda4 /home ext3 defaults 1 3</pre>
<li>Unmount /mnt1</li>
<pre> umount /mnt1 </pre>
<li>Close the console window and logout of joker.</li>
<li>Login as root and open a console window.</li>
<li>Enter the command<br>
<brpre> mount -a <br> <br/pre>
<li>Enter the 'df -Thi' command to verify that /dev/sda4 is mounted
<li>Login as joker, open a console window and use the df command to
verify that /dev/sda4 is mounted at /home.</li>
<li>Answer the rest of the questions 5 through 11 in PART D.<br>
=== PART C (Container is a logical volume): ===
Perform Reboot the system and perform the following steps:
<li>Reboot (start with a fresh image) and login Login to your Fedora 8 Test system as root.</li>
<li>Open a shell and use fdisk to create an extended partition of
3GB. This should be partition 4. Also create two
<li>Again record the output of the 'df -Ti' command which you will
need for PART BD.<br>
<li>You should now be able to logout of root and login as joker. If
<li>Once again record the output of the 'df -Ti' command.<br>
=== PART D: (Questions) ===
Answer the following questions and email them to your teacher.
<li>What is your full name?</li>
<li>What is the exact size (in bytes) of the fakedisk file you
created in PART A?</li>
<li>What is the exact output of the command used in question 8 in
PART A?</li>
<li>How many total inodes are there in the file system you created in
PART A?<br>
<li>What is the exact output of the command used in question 11 in
<li>How many inodes are there in the file system you created
in PART B?</li>
<li>What is the purpose of the e2label command?</li>
<li>If you added a label of /home to the file system you created in
PART B, how would you change step 6 of PART B?</li>
<li>List the steps needed to perform a file system check on the file
system you created in PART B.</li>
<li>The file system you created in PART B occupied the entire 1GB
partition. List the steps you would need to do to increase the file
system size to 2GB.</li>
<li>What command would you use to set the maximum mount count of the
file system in PART B to 100? Give the full command.<br>
<li>Using LVM, explain, in your own words, how a file system can be increased and decreased. Be sure to include the commands you would use.</li>

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