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Fall 2023 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

833 bytes added, 11:42, 7 November 2023
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|Reading||Oct 23||style="background: #f0f0ff" colspan="3" align="center"|Reading Week
|8||Oct 30||[[#Week 8 - Class I|Optimization Trade-Offs / Algorithm Selection / Inline Assembler / SIMD]]||[[#Week 8 - Class II|Scalable Vector Extensions (SVESIMD /SVE2) via Inline Assembler and C Intrinsics/ SVE & SVE2]]||[[#Week 8 Deliverables|October blog postsLab 4]]
|9||Nov 6||[[#Week 9 - Class I|GNU ifunc SVE & Project OverviewSVE2 / Compiler Options for Architecture Target]]||[[#Week 9 - Class II|Project Detail]]||[[#Week 9 Deliverables|Blog about ifunc and your project work]]
|10||Nov 13||[[#Week 10 - Class I|Project Tips]]||[[#Week 10 - Class II|Advanced Memory]]||[[#Week 10 Deliverables|Blog about project work]]
==== Video ====
* [ Detaildd6-b0df-409b-8168-58ec21a06c1b 6502 Strings] - This video crosses over with the last part of the Monday lecture, but adds some additional detail.
* [ 6502 String Input] - How to create a custom input routine, plus a discussion of the Wordle example code
* [ 6502 Emulator Assembler Directives] - A short video on using the 'define' and 'dcb' directives
* Blog!
== Week 8 ==
=== Week 8 - Class I ===
* Discussion of Algorithm Selection for Optimization
=== Week 8 - Class II ===
* Discussion of SIMD, including SVE and SVE2
** Demonstrated (not assigned - you can use this for reference but do not have to complete this lab): [[SPO600 SIMD Lab|SIMD Lab]]
* Discussion of ifunc (Indirect Functions)
** Demonstrated ifunc example code from this GitHub repo:
** It is recommended that you build and become familiar with that code
=== Week 8 Deliverables ===
* Complete and blog about [[SPO600 64-bit Assembly Language Lab|Lab 4]]
== Week 9 ==
=== Week 9 - Class I ===
* Discussion of [[SVE2|Scalable Vector Extensions]]
** Demonstrated SVE example code from this GitHub repo:
** It is recommended that you build and become familiar with that code

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