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=== Week 1 - Class I ===
==== General Course Information ====
** 20% - Labs and Quizzes (10% labs; 10% for quizzes - lowest 3 quiz scores not counted)
===== About SPO600 Classes =====
* Wednesday: synchronous (live) classes at 11:40 am - login to learn.senecacollege.ca ("Blackboard"), go to SPO600, and select the "Wednesday Classes" option on the left-hand menu.
* Friday: these classes will usually be asynchronous (pre-recorded) - see this page for details each week.
* There may be occasional exceptions to this pattern.
==== Introduction to the Problems ====
==== How open source communities work ====
* Do the [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Code Review Lab (Lab 1)]] as homework.
=== Week 1 - Class II ===
*** Much of the data in sound and images cannot be perceived by humans. Psychoacoustic and psychovisual compression remove artifacts which are least likely to be perceived. As a simple example, if two pixels on opposite sides of a large image are almost but not exactly the same, most people won't be able to tell the difference, so these can be encoded as the same colour if that saves space (for example, by reducing the size of the colour palette).
=== Week 1 Deliverables ===
# Start work on [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Lab 1]]. Blog your work.
== Week 2 ==
* November blog posts are due Sunday, December 4, at 11:59 pm.
* Project Stage II is due next Thursday, December 8, at 12 noon.