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GPU621/Group 5

19 bytes added, 16:16, 9 April 2023
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=== Tasks tasks.json ===
From here, we want to tell VScode what **tasks** to run when we press the Run and Debug button. This will be similar to how we use terminal to '''build''' our code.
This task tells VScode, when we use this task, run [this].command with [this].args. VScode will inject this into our terminal to automatically compile our code. This will help our VScode Debugger and help our launch task get ready for running our code.
g++ -fdiagnostics-color=always -g helloworld.cpp -o ./helloworld
=== Launch launch.json ===
Our launch file will facilitate the execution of our code, in the '''task.json''' we compiled and produced an output, here we will run our code with the correct information.
# Add the library and bin directory location for intellisense
=== Tasks tasks.json ===
We’ll add a task to compile our source code using OpenMP, this task will only build the active file using OpenMP.
At this point you’ll notice how easy it is to use VSCode for C++, we’re able to configure our build times and runtimes by often changing the same key elements.
=== Taskstasks.json ===
"tasks": [
===Launchlaunch.Jsonjson ===
"version": "0.2.0",

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