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Cache consistency refers to the synchronization of data between different caches in a computer system, ensuring that all caches have the most up-to-date version of data. In a multi-core processor or a distributed computing system, multiple processors may have their own local caches that store a copy of the data that is being used by the processor.
Each processor in a Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP)system has a local cache. The local cache is a smaller, faster memory that stores data copies from frequently accessed main memory locations. Cache lines are closer to the CPU than main memory and are designed to improve memory access efficiency. In a shared memory multiprocessor system with a separate cache memory for each processor, shared data can have multiple copies: one in main memory and one in the local cache of each processor that requested it. When one of the data copies is modified, the other copies must also be modified. Cache coherence is the discipline that ensures that changes in the values of shared operands (data) are propagated in a timely manner throughout the system. Multiprocessor-capable Intel processors use the MESI (Modified/Exclusive/Shared/Invalid) protocol to ensure data consistency across multiple caches. When a cache line is loaded for the first time, the processor marks it as 'Exclusive' access. Following loads are free to use the existing data in cache as long as the cache line is marked exclusive. If the processor notices another processor on the bus loading the same cache line, it marks the cache line with 'Shared' access.
Cache consistency is important because without it, different processors may have different versions of the same data, which can lead to data inconsistencies and errors in the system. Different cache consistency protocols, such as MESI and MOESI, are used to maintain cache consistency in modern computer systems. These protocols define a set of rules and states for cache coherence and ensure that all caches in the system have the same view of the shared memory.