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OPS245 Lab 3 dev

421 bytes added, 22:15, 11 February 2023
Part 1: Managing Software and Repositories with DNF
# Also verify that the application called: '''packettracer''' is not installed.
# Login to [ Cisco Netacad] and download Packet Tracer '''Ubuntu Desktop Version'''
# Launch a terminal and change to the directory where you downloaded the package (likely your Downloads folder)# Issue the following commandconvert the .deb package to an rpm using Alien (this may take a few minutes, be patient): <b><code><span style="color: #3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">sudo alien -r CiscoPacketTracer_*</span></code></b># List the contents of your directory. What changed? What do you think Alien did?# Issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">sudo dnf localinstall xchat-2.8.8-25.el7.x86_64.rpm</span></code></b>
# Verify that the '''xchat''' command has been installed.
# Run the xchat application# Unused and unneeded software can present a security risk and ties up disk space needlessly. Find '''at least 4 other packages''' to remove on your r9host machine(for example: '''sound & video''', '''games''', etc) that you're not using on your system. '''Be careful''' to ensure that removing those packages does not also remove other software that you do need.

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