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OPS245 Scripting Exercises dev

396 bytes added, 01:44, 15 January 2023
# Date: January 10, 2023
# Purpose: Print hello, list the contents of /, then print goodbye
# Usage: ./hello.bash
# Print hello on the screen
* Create a bash script that will run your other script (hello.bash) twice. Feel free to reuse this prompt for any of the other scripts.<pre>#!/bin/bash# Author:# Date:# Purpose: Run hello.bash twice# Usage:# # Run hello.bash # Run hello.bash a second time</pre>
* Now do it in python.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author:
# Date:
# Purpose: Run twice
# Usage:
# Import the operating system module
# Run
# Run a second time
** Run this new script from different locations, and see if it always works. Fix it if it doesn't.
* Create a bash script to display the contents of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

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