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6502 Math and Strings Lab

6 bytes added, 12:32, 21 September 2022
Decide What to Write
For this lab, you will write either a game or a program that calculates or converts a value.
* # Your program must work in the [[6502 Emulator]]* # You must output to the character screen as well as the graphics (bitmapped) screen.* # You must accept user input from the keyboard in some form.* # You must use some arithmetic/math instructions (to add, subtract, do bitwise operations, or rotate/shift)
For example, you could write a simple game:
* A maze
* A number guessing game (try to guess a random number in the shortest number of tries, getting feedback of "too high" or "too low" for each wrong guess)
* [ Wordle]
* Or any other type of game...
* A [ resistor colour band] calculator
* Or any other type of calculator or converter...
'''Or anything else that meets the criteria above'''
You can interact with the user using either display. For example:

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