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SPO600 Servers

1,113 bytes added, 03:02, 11 September 2023
=== AArch64: ===
A main AArch64 system is available, known as ''israel''. This machine has a lot of mid-range cores. You can access this system at the hostname; if you're using a command-line ssh system, you can access aarchie israel with a command such as this:
ssh ''username''
# If your SSH public key is not named <code>~/.ssh/id_rsa</code>, your SSH client may not automatically find it. You can specify the identity (private key) file using the <code>-i</code> argument to the SSH command.}}
With other ==== Debugging SSH clients:# Your key must be in OpenSSH format when you send it to your professor; this format is used by the default SSH client on Mac OS/X and Linux as well as PuTTY. If it is in SSH2 format, used by some other client programs, you can convert it with this command on a Linux system with OpenSSH (such as Matrix):Connection Problems ====
ssh-keygen -i -f ~/.ssh/''SSH2_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE''.pub > ~/.ssh/''OPENSSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE''.pub===== Situation 1: The SSH client asks you for a passphrase =====
Your professor will do The passphrase is the one you provided when you created your SSH keys. You must remember this automatically as part of the passphrase in order to successfully unlock your private key processing; however. If you do not remember your passphrase, you will need to manually perform this step for any create a new pair of keys that you append and re-send the public key to your professor:# Create the keys with <code>ssh-keygen -t ed25591</code># Copy the public key (which by default will be named <code>~/.ssh/</code> ) to a file(s)named <code>'''UserId'''.pub</code> where '''UserId''' is your Seneca User ID.# Attach that file to an e-mail message and send it to your professor.
===== Situation 2: The SSH client asks you for a password =====
The password is for the remote system, but the SSH client will only ask you for a password if it is unable to authenticate using your keys. If that is the case, then one of your keys is corrupted, missing, has the wrong permission, or can't be found by the SSH client.
# If you're using OpenSSH, try using the <code>-i</code> argument to tell the client which private key identity file to use: <code>ssh -i /path/to/ssh/PrivateKey ...</code>
# Check the permissions on the private key and the directory holding the private key.
# If necessary, generate a new key and send it to your professor (see the previous section).
===== Getting Verbose Output =====
To see what the OpenSSH client program is doing, you can use the <code>-v</code> (verbose) argument, up to three times: <code>ssh -vvv ...</code>
By reading through the output carefully, you can see what the OpenSSH client program is doing, and address any problems that arise (such as permission or file naming issues).
== Disconnect/Reconnect Ability ==

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