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'''Random info about me...'''
* [http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/RPP-PP/IRCC-CRIC_eng.asp Industrial Research Chair] at in [[Open Source Technology for Emerging Platforms]] in at the Seneca [[CDOT|Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT)]]* Professor in the [http://sdds.senecac.onsenecacollege.ca School of Software Design and Data Science] at [http://senecacollege.ca Seneca College], Toronto* email: '''chris.tyler@senecacollege.ca''' (students: use this address, put your section ID in the subject line) or '''chris@tylers.info'''<!-- * '''ctyler''' on irc ([irc://irc.mozilla.org/seneca moznet#seneca] or [irc://irc.mozilla.org/seneca freenode#seneca]) -->
* Linux fanatic, especially [http://fedoraproject.org Fedora]
* [https://x.org X11 ] fanatic
* Former member of the [[:fedora:Board|Fedora Project Board]] (F10-F11, F13-F14)
* Does programming , consulting, writing, 3D printing, and electronics as hobbies and consulting on the sidegigs
* Lives in Toronto; married with two grown daughters
* Has lived in Toronto, Vaughan, Waterloo, Muskoka, and Woodstock, Ontario; Victoria, BC; and Calgary and Standard, Alberta