→Router VM
** Only the SSH server port (TCP 22) is to be open for inbound connections, from anywhere in the world.
== Create & configure VM ==
* Create a new VM (instance) named "router". The process is almost identical to the "ops435-first" VM from the last lab.
** With security group ops345routersg
** Using your existing key ops345-first-key, unless you lost that already.
* Follow the instructions in lab 1 to set up your user
* Note that "Auto-assign Public IP" is enabled by default, but don't change it.
* After router starts: go to "Elastic IPs" and associate a new elastic IP named '''router_public_ip''' with the router instance.
** This is now your static public IP for router. You will use it a lot, so write it down somewhere.
* Name the network interface '''router-nic''', so when you look at the list of your network interfaces in the future you know at least which this one is. The link to it is in router's Networking tab near the bottom:
= Firewalls =