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GPU621/OpenMP Debugging

6,625 bytes added, 10:00, 9 December 2021
User Interface
*3. Add test files on each projects
'''Start debugging with multiple processes'''
*Select Apply, or OK to apply and close the dialog.
*In the Attach to Process dialog box, select the process from the Available Processes list, and then select Attach.
'''Use the Registry Editor to automatically start a process in the debugger'''
*Right-click debugger and select Modify.
'''Debug with multiple processes'''
*Under Tools (or Debug) > Options > Debugging > General, select or clear the Break all processes when one process breaks check box.
'''Switch between processes'''
*In the Processes window, the current process is marked by a yellow arrow. Double-click the process you want to set as the current process.
= User Interface =
The Attach to Process dialog box shows outside processes to be attached to the visual Studio debugger.
'''You can attach the following processes'''
You can choose one of the processes during debugging mode.
==Threads window==
Threads window is a utility built into Visual Studio. It allows for easy management/monitoring of a program's threads, while debugging.
In the program in question, add breakpoints on lines where you would like to inspect thread activity. To add a breakpoint, right-click the line and add a breakpoint from the menu.
When you run the code from Visual Studio, execution will stop when the program reaches your breakpoint(s). From here, go to Debug > Windows > Threads. Alternatively, you can press CTRL + ALT + H.
'''How to Use:'''
Usage of the Thread Window is intuitive and ultimately up to the user. It has several columns (some hidden by default) which display several fields of data.
==Source window==
Visual Studio's Source Window displays a project's source code.
This is the default window when working in visual studio. If it is closed for a particular file, it can be re-opened by double clicking any linked items (like functions imported from it), or by double clicking the filename in the project pane.
Alternatively, should you start your program in debug mode (f5) and your program for some reason pauses (at a breakpoint or otherwise), a source window for the script where the program paused is opened.
'''How to Use:'''
Source Window has many options for debugging. From the debug menu, many diagnostic tools can be accessed. Furthermore, the context menu in this window has many features which can help in debugging. See this image for more details.
In the this window's gutter, breakpoints appear as red dots. They can be added or removed by clicking in the gutter.
==Debug Location toolbar==
Run Debug with a breakpoint
Select Debug from the menu
'''How to Use:'''
'''Features:''' <br/>
1. Switch to another frame of the thread
2. Toggle to change to the '''methods view'''.
==Parallel Tasks window==
Open '''Call Stack''' from the Debug -> Windows
Open '''Threads''' from Debug -> Windows
'''How to Use:'''
For each task, you are able to see '''id''', and by selecting each '''id''' you will be able to see all the methods the task is currently passing.
By clicking '''Continue''', you will proceed to the next breakpoint.
You can flag or freeze the task by right-clicking the task.
You will be able to see the threads and processes organized by tasks.
Users can watch the status of the tasks.
Determining the deadlock, thread assignment of each task.
==Parallel Watch window==
The parallel watch window allows the user to watch the thread and variables by organizing the columns by the preferred view of order/filter.
Set a breakpoint at the designated line.Debug with F5 Select Debug -> Windows -> Parallel Watch from the top menu.You can open up to four parallel watch windows. 
'''How To Use:'''
Users can select variables to put on a parallel watch.
The selected variable is added to the watch and it shows value in steps for all active threads.
Freeze/unfreeze the thread if you want to pause one thread to investigate another thread.
= Walkthrough =
==Case A - Using the Thread window==
The following example of how to use Visual Studio's thread window was performed on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with Intel OneAPI Libraries and Intel Visual C++ Compiler.
This is the code used in the example.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
// Thread Window Example
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
int void main(){ printfint max_threads = omp_get_max_threads(); cout << "num the maximum amount of default usable thread threads available is %d \n\n: ", omp_get_max_threads())<< max_threads << endl;
// serial ver { printf( cout << endl << "~~~~~ Inside Serial Block ~~~~~" << endl; cout << "num the amount of thread currently using threads available in this block is %d \n: ", << omp_get_num_threads())<< endl printf( cout << "working current thread num is %d \n: ", << omp_get_thread_num())<< endl; } printf("\n");
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single // set openMP ver
printfcout << endl << "~~~~~~ Inside Parallel Block (num_threads unspecified) ~~~~~~" << endl; cout << "num the amount of thread currently using threads available in this block is %d \n: ", << omp_get_num_threads())<< endl;
printf( cout << "working current thread num is %d \n: ", << omp_get_thread_num())<< endl;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(8max_threads/2) { #pragma omp single // set openMP with num of threads ver
printfcout << endl << "~~~~~~ Inside Parallel Block (num_threads specified as " << max_threads / 2 << ") ~~~~~~"num << endl; cout << "the amount of thread currently using threads available in this block is %d \n: ", << omp_get_num_threads())<< endl;
printf( cout << "working current thread num is %d \n: ", << omp_get_thread_num())<< endl;
return 0;
The first step is to enable openmp in project settngs. Project > Properties > C/C++ > Language >Open MP Support > Yes(/openmp)
When this code is compiled with /openmp, and run. It should output something like this:
'''serial region'''
When inspecting threads in the Serial Region, only the main process thread is active. This is denoted by the yellow arrow which highlights the active thread at the breakpoint.
'''auto OpenMP parallel region '''
As expected in the parallel region (with number of threads unspecified), all threads are available to the program. At the moment when the first thread reaches the breakpoint, most other threads are idle.
'''OpenMP parallel region thread number decided (8)'''
With the number of threads specified, only that many threads are available in the region. This is clearly seen in ThreadWindow.
==Case B - Using the Parallel Stacks Window==
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void print(int n, const std::string& str) {
std::string msg = std::to_string(n) + " : " + str;
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
int main() { std::vector<std::string> s ==Case B - Using the Parallel Stacks and the Parallel Watch Window=={ "Hello World", "Hello", "This", "is", "a testing", "code", "for", "multithread", "debugging" }; std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
threads.push_back(std::thread(print, i, s[i]));
for (auto& th : threads) {
return 0;
The main program calls the print function for the size of the string vector.
Threads are open when it is called and join back on line 33.
Set breakpoints at the definition of the function, and when join() is called.
Debug using F5 or by clicking debug from the top menu bar.
Here is the '''output''' of the program:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
0 : Hello World
3 : is
6 : for
2 : This
5 : code
7 : multithread
8 : debugging
1 : Hello
4 : a testing
There are 9 different threads that were being created and used every time print() is called.
Using Parallel Stacks Windows, we are able to see the call stack information through a UI.
First Call:
'''Setup[[File:parallelstackswalkthrough1.png]] <br/> It is being called at the definition of the function "print()"<br/><br/> The yellow arrow means the currently executing thread. By advancing more threads,<br/><br/>[[File:parallelstackswalkthrough2.png]] <br/><br/> more threads are created by the system.<br/><br/>[[File:parallelstackswalkthrough3.png]]  <br/><br/>When triggering the method view, it shows the related threads [[File:parallelstackswalkthrough4.png]] <br/><br/>[[File:parallelstackswalkthrough5.png||1000px]]<br/><br/>Indicates the current thread that is being processed, and also lists the other threads. In the left bottom, shows the value of the current thread''' s n(number), and its string(which is "a testing" in the picture) <br/><br/>Forked threads are being joined after their usage.<br/><br/>

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