→Accessing your AWS account
At the beginning of the semester your professor will create a Leaner Lab in AWS Academy. The professor will add all the students enrolled in their OPS345 sections as students in that Learner Lab. You should automatically receive an email that looks like this in the beginning of the course:
If you haven't recieved such an email: you need to let your professor know.
Once you complete setting up your account: browse around the interface. For OPS345 you only ever need might want to navigate to the following screen in bookmark this interfacepage, or even make it your home page:https://awsacademy.instructure.com
Click "Start Lab". The first time this will take a few minutes. This will spin up all your EC2 instances which automatically shut down 4 hours after you start the lab. But your data will not be lost. Your VMs will persist until the end of the course.