'''Web:''' [http://crashopensource.wordpress.com Crash Open Source class blog], [http://backinblakk.blogspot.com Backinblakk Videoblog], [http://avnerd.tv Hire Me]
Even though my name is Lukas, I am in fact <em>female</em>. It is important that I tell you that because otherwise you might not know and so now you do - let's move on.
Outside of the Seneca @ York universe I am teaching computer essentials to folks who are deaf-blind through the [http://chkc.org Canadian Helen Keller Center]. Interesting fact: you can be 'deaf-blind' without being completely deaf or completely blind. I am enjoying this experience and I hope to continue during the school year.
Inside the S@Y universe I am trying to take more steps to be involvedget the most out of this unique program, which includes taking advantage of Seneca's partnership with [http://mozilla. This is what brought me to herecom Mozilla] and any other courses that offer a good deal of "real world" experience.
=Current Project(s)=