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OPS345 Lab 6

1,058 bytes added, 01:12, 26 November 2021
no edit summary
* add an iptables rule on router to forward port 2212 to email:22, don't forget to edit ops345sg
* email_public_ip
* same instructions as for vg_www-lv_www but vg_email-lv_email, mounted on /home
* but also mount it on /tmp/home, and move everything from /home to /tmp/home before rebooting
** can lose access to ssh key if don't do it right - see what happens if mount on /home without
<source>[root@email ~]# vi /etc/fstab
[root@email ~]# mount /home/
[root@email ~]# ls /home/
# try to ssh now, it won't work
[root@email ~]# umount /home/
[root@email ~]# mkdir /tmp/home
[root@email ~]# mount /dev/mapper/vg_email-lv_email /tmp/home/
[root@email ~]# cd /home/
[root@email home]# ls -a
. .. andrew
[root@email home]# mv andrew/ /tmp/home/
[root@email home]# cd /
[root@email /]# ls /home/
[root@email /]# ls /tmp/home/
andrew lost+found
[root@email /]# umount /tmp/home/
[root@email /]# ls /tmp/home/
[root@email /]# ls /home/
[root@email /]# mount /home/
[root@email /]# ls -a /home/andrew/
. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .ssh
[root@email /]# reboot # and confirm can still log in. if not - have to rebuild email vm

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