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Fall 2021 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

1,653 bytes added, 22:41, 19 September 2021
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** [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Lab 1]]
** [[6502 Assembly Language Lab|Lab 2]]
== Week 3 ==
=== Week 3 - Class I ===
* 6502 Assembly Language Continued
** [[6502 Math]]
** Assembly conventions and examples
*** [[6502_Emulator#Directives|Directives]]
=== Week 2 - Class I ===
=== Week 1 Deliverables ===
# Complete [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Lab 1]].
** Assembly conventions and examples
*** Directives
**** define- Used to define Macros:  define POINTER_LOW $10 define POINTER_HIGH $11 lda #$00 sta POINTER_LOW ; the text "POINTER_LOW" is replaced by the text "$10" lda #$02 sta POINTER_HIGH ; similarly "POINTER_HIGH" is replaced by "$11" **** DCB- used to store bytes in memory; bytes may be double-quoted single-character opaque characters (not space or control characters) or numbers in decimal or hexadecimal:  TEXT: DCB "H","e","l","l","o",32,"W","o","r","l","d" ; The line above stores "Hello World" in memory SECRET: DCB $34,$12 ; The line above stores $1234 into two bytes in memory
=== Week 2 Deliverables ===

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