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Fall 2021 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

250 bytes added, 08:45, 16 September 2021
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*** Much of the data in sound and images cannot be perceived by humans. Psychoacoustic and psychovisual compression remove artifacts which are least likely to be perceived. As a simple example, if two pixels on opposite sides of a large image are almost but not exactly the same, most people won't be able to tell the difference, so these can be encoded as the same colour if that saves space (for example, by reducing the size of the colour palette).
==== Computer Architecture Overview ====
* [[Computer Architecture]]
* [[6502 Emulator]] for this course
-->==== 6502 Assembly Language Lab ====* Lab 2: [[6502 Assembly Language Lab]] (start in class, finish and write up as homework) === Week 2 Deliverables ===* Blog your results to:** [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Lab 1]]** [[6502 Assembly Language Lab|Lab 2]]. 

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