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DPS921/ A Crash Course on Processors

1,292 bytes added, 10:24, 7 April 2021
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== Different Types of Processors ==
CPU’s come in a few types in the modern age and for most pc’s they come in 32 and 64 bit respectively. The difference between 32 and 64 bit processors refers to the amount of computational values they can store. Additionally 32 bit processors cap out at handing 4gb of ram. “A 64 bit processor has 4 billion times the physical memory of a 32-bit processor.”
Overclocking (CPU,GPU):
Nowadays, most of the process is automated under strict supervision of the technicians. The labs must be kept extremely clean as one spec of dust can ruin the entire chip. It may take up to three full months to completely create and test a processor.
=== Single Core vs Multi Core ===
Processors began as single core, this means that at any time they only had a single processing unit on them. This was the case until 2001 when the first multi core processor was released. This increased performance because instead of one processing unit executing one task, now there are multiple processors executing multiple tasks increasing efficiency and speed. This allows the multi core processors to run multiple programs or processes at once. An added benefit was the physical CPU did not increase in size, only one physical CPU chip was inserted into the motherboard.
Two definitions we should clarify before we continue.
'''Process''': A process is a task, like an application. A process can be made up of two or more threads.
'''Thread''': A thread is a chunk of data from a program that a processor would manage. All programs create single or multiple threads.
'''Multithreading''': Multiple threads exist within a process and execute independently, but share resources.
When it comes to multi core processors, they excel at being able to execute more than one thread at the same time. Each core is able to process a separate chunk of data, which increases performance and allows multiple applications to run at the same time.
=== Modern & Future Processors ===

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