→OPS535 Lab 8
=OPS535 Lab 8=
* Study the responses of DNSSEC DNSSec enabled DNS queries* Configure an authoritative DNS server to provide DNS responses authenticated with DNSSECDNSSec.
==Investigation 2: Configuring DNSSec on a Recursive Server==
Perform the following steps as root on your VM1co-nfs VM at home:
<li>Now that you can spot the differences between authenticated and non-authenticated data, it is time to configure your local recursive DNS server to perform authentication when your client machines request it.</li>
<li>Simply set the dnssec-validation parameter in your /etc/named.conf file to yes (it is already set this way if you didn’t change it in an earlier lab).
*Note that this relies on your server also having the initial key it will use to authenticate the root name servers it communicates with.
*This can be found in /etc/named.iscdlv.key and /etc/named.root.key.
*These too are included by default when you first install bind. If they are not there, add the following lines to your options statement and restart your service:
include "/etc/named.root.key";
<li>Make sure your dns recursive DNS server is configured to be provide recursive answers to other machines in your network, and that it will allow traffic to udp/tcp port 53.
*All of this should have already been done, so long as you followed the instructions in previous labs, and didn’t deliberately break anything.
<li>Run the following command from one of your other VMs (making sure to use the ip address of your own DNS server):
[rchan@pri-dns labs]$ dig +tcp +dnssec @ www.isc.org ; <<>> DiG 9.911.420-RedHat-9.911.420-615.el7_5el8_3.1 <<>> +tcp +dnssec @192.168.8349.1 3 www.isc.org
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 1351236010;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 23, AUTHORITY: 54, ADDITIONAL: 135
; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: b1f53c789d90ba0859c27899606380f06b6af5f84015fff0 (good)
;www.isc.org. IN A
www.isc.org. 60 IN A 149CNAME dualstack.osff2.map.20fastly.64net.69www.isc.org. 60 IN RRSIG A 5 CNAME 13 3 60 2018112823333420181029233334 19923 20210411023511 20210312021301 27566 isc.org.EzPGoD0DDKUONuWUhXsNqW0xt1q3l8Nwg8Ec3SW9QZafwyQDYj9aFeIoEG41LGZbImJRBoefQpEWLab52AZ5YwvzWDrRhdQlTVVxyVOiRcT fnaq1mZluXtGjMhSwn/dZ/FBbtg1varpQw==d4ch3UIQ1oKfHYUtAsev7aVjwbisM5HgHSjGtBMWZngzY/mBTmy+uVogyBKuXHawR13il4fY6Z68qTZpaq8gH9jKqpPJYomruSxYFZVAI8Ct+tBB 0SE=dualstack.osff2.map.fastly.net. 30 IN A
*Again, note the do and ad flags, along with the RRSIG record (and similar data for the nameservers in the isc.org domain).