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| 1.0
|N[http:/A/zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/imgs/L10nFork1.0.zip Download]| - <strike>Find way to potentially optomize localization process. Also, add functionality so localization file for search engines is auto generated. Added documentation on this wiki on how students or community can pick up this project and continue it.</strike>'''(DONE)'''
== Releases ==
=== Release notes ===
* 1.0 Release'''(DONE)'''** <strike>Find way to potentially optomize localization process. Also, add functionality so localization file for search engines is auto generated</strike>
*<strike> 0.9 Release
** Seperate browser Strings & Labels localization template from browser Search Defaults localization template
== Project news ==
There are some common news from the collaborators that should be written here rather than splitting it between the collaborators:
* Apr. 18, 2008 - Release 1.0 is now available, localizing process is now optomized to be completed faster. New functionality also added, ability to automatically generate a localization template for the default search engines with predefined keys
* Apr. 6, 2008 - Release 0.9 - Big change to the way localizer enters their changes. They must now enter String/Label localization changes in the "locale_template.properties" file and enter Search Default changes in the "locale_template_searches.properties" file. This seperation increases readability and avoids confusion when entering many localization values. Also fixed a critical bug found related to the first char of KEY being different than the first char of VALUE in properties files.
* Mar. 23, 2008 - Release 0.8 - tool will now alter values in Firefox's default dictionary (this means even the spellchecker in Firefox will localize accordingly)