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OPS535 A2

236 bytes added, 16:15, 23 March 2021
Tasks to be performed during online assessment
# send an email by one of the new email users to a specific user of other domain.
# receive an email from a specific user(s) in other domain and send a reply to that email.
# receive the reply email from the user in another domain who you have sent an email to previouselypreviously.# add a A resource record to your primary DNS server with given data.# add a PTR resource record to your primary DNS server with given data.# add a resource record to authorize a specific host to send email on behalf of your domain.# query one or more resource records (A, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, SPF) record of other domains.
# query one or more resource records of other domain with dnssec information included.

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