no edit summary
| 0.8
|N[http:/A/zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/imgs/L10nFork0.8.zip Download]| - <strike>Add feature that allows to change default dictionary </strike> '''(DONE)'''.
| 0.9
== Releases ==
=== Release notes ===
* 0.9 Release** Add feature that allows localizers to modify the default RSS feeds*<strike> 0.8Release** Add feature that allows to change default dictionary (honestly, have to research this one more cause I do not fully understand it yet)</strike>
*<strike>0.7 Release
** Add feature that will allow to modify default search engines to target locale.
== Project news ==
There are some common news from the collaborators that should be written here rather than splitting it between the collaborators:
* Mar. 23, 2008 - Release 0.8 - tool will now alter values in Firefox's default dictionary (this means even the spellchecker in Firefox with localize accordingly)
* Mar. 9, 2008 - Updated 0.7 to 0.7.2 after running tests on a full source tree. Screenshots available here.
* Feb. 29, 2008 - Release 0.7 is done. I added the ability to change the locale of the default search engines - located in '''/browser/locales/en-US/searchplugins/'''.