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OPS245 Lab 2

5 bytes added, 00:14, 25 January 2021
Part 1: Backing Up Virtual Machines
<li> Restart the VM. Is it working normally?</li>
<li> You should also make a copy of the XML configuration file for each VM in case you "wipe" and re-install the host machine, and want to add a restored VM backups to the virtual machine manager list. We will demonstrate using the centos3 XML configuration file, and prove that a "clone" can be added to your list.Please perform the following step:</li>
<li> Execute the following command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">sudo virsh dumpxml centos3 > centos3.xml</span></code></b></li>
<li> Examine the file <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">centos3.xml</span></code></b>. What does it contain? What format is it in?<br></li></ol>

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