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OPS335 Lab 4b

No change in size, 21:03, 5 January 2021
Setup Your MTA to Use Correct Domain
<ol><li value="4">Edit the '''/etc/postfix/''' file for '''vm2 ONLY''', scroll down to the line containing: '''mydestination''' and change line to the text shown below:<br><source>mydestination = $mydomain, $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost</source>'''Note:''' Even though your machine's name is ''vm3vm2.yoursenecaid.ops'', your postfix MTA will also receive emails addressed to the domain called: yoursenecaid.ops</li></ol>
::In order for this to work, we need to add a DNS record that will point mail sent to the domain towards one of the SMTP servers configured to accept it.

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