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OPS335 Lab 1

22 bytes removed, 18:02, 4 January 2021
Making Persistent (Permanent) Network Setting Changes
<li value="7">Edit the '''ifcfg-''interfacename''''' (most likely ifcfg-eth0) file for each of your VMs to use a static IP address (refer to previous OPS235 lab on networking: [ [ Network Config - CLI] ].<br> You should be configuring the BOOTPROTO ('''static''' instead of dhcp), IPADDR, PREFIX (or NETMASK), GATEWAY, HWADDR, and DNS1 for this file. Note the following information for this setup:<ul><li>Set your IPADDR for each VM with the following rules:<ol type="a"><li>Your IPADDR's third octet will use the last 2 digits in your student number.</li><li> Make certain that the 4th octet for your VMs does not start with '''1''' since that is reserved by your host machine.<br>Use the recommended fourth octets: '''2 for vm1''', '''3 for vm2''', and '''4 for vm3'''.</li></ol></li><li>Don't forget to set the default gateway and DNS server for your VMs. You can use your host's IP address as a gateway and DNS server<br>(''libvirt'' will proxy the requests to the real DNS server).</li><li> You can refer to your previous lab to obtain information for setup of these options: [ [ Configuring a VM Host] ]<br><br></li></ul><li>Make note of the files used and entries required and note them in your lab log-book.</li><li>Save your editing session, and then restart each VM and run the following command to ensure they still have the network configuration you set:<ul><li>'''ping''' (what is the purpose of this command?). Try to ping matrix and google from your host machine.<br>Try to ping matrix and google from each of your VM's to ensure you can reach the outside world.</li><li>'''ssh''' (into another server, like Matrix) </li></ul></li><li>After setting the network configuration for EACH VM, then either the the ifdown and ifup commands or reboot each VM, to verify that you can connect to the Internet with the new static IP network configuration. If you cannot connect to the Internet, then check the network configuration file and make corrections until you have a workable network connection for each VM from boot-up.</ol>

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