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Intel Parallel Studio VTune Amplifier

1 byte added, 14:05, 30 November 2020
Performance Analysis
The CPU effective graph indicates how many threads the program used and it's poor,ok, and ideal performance segments can be adjusted to match the desired utilization in terms of max number of threads used at anytime ( and anything over ideal would be considered over-utilization).
pressing Pressing any of the tasks (or the bottom-up tab at the top) will bring up the bottom-up menu as shown below.
The CPU time is also displayed here and the brown section indicates how much each (sample rate) section used the CPU in terms of % of total utilization of the program.
pressing Pressing the highlighted button expands to show what % of the process uses the CPU in the ideal amount (as set on the summary screen) as shown below.
pressing Pressing the highlighted button further expands the data to show in a more detailed fashion how the CPU usage is. as As shown below.
== Microarchitecture Analysis==

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