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Mozilla Source and Symbol Server

198 bytes added, 17:03, 17 February 2008
0.6 Release - Feb 15, 2008
* Feb 12, 2008: Exploring hex code of PDB files, trying an strace (with Wine) on pdbstr, generally poking at them. time: 1.5 hours
* Feb 14, 2008: Downloaded and installed StraceNT, prompted Ted for feedback, attempted to reach Timeless, managed to get a StraceNT output from running pdbstr -r, got feedback on the bug from Ted and have the road map to a r+. time: 1.5 hrs
* Feb 17, 2008: Better late than never, I have incorporated the comments from Ted and created a new patch which is awaiting review and (fingers crossed) approval for being committed. time: 5 hours
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