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OPS335 Lab 6

73 bytes added, 13:12, 29 March 2021
* Use the '''--no-same-owner''' option when extracting the tar achive to ensure that the files do not keep the original owner (who will not exist on your system).</li>
<li>Change the ownership of the '''temp''' and '''logs''' directories so they belong to '''apache'''.</li>
<li>If you're not in Andrew's sections and you have SELinux enabled: This service needs to be able to write to several directories ('''temp''' and '''logs''') that SELinux prevents write access to. If you are in a section that has SELinux set to '''enforcing''', run the following commands to let it know that apache should be allowed to write to files in those directories.
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_log_t '/var/www/html/webmail/temp(/.*)?'
restorecon -v -R /var/www/html/webmail
::NOTE: If your machine does not have the '''semanage''' command, use yum to install the '''policycoreutils-python''' package.
<li>You will also need to tell selinux to allow the webserver to open connections to the MTAs with <source>setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1</source></li>
<li>In the directory now named "webmail", there will be a file named '''INSTALL''' which will walk you through the rest of the Roundcube installation.
<br /><br />Some installation tips to consider:
<li>To make things easier, RoundCube has a well configured installation page available through your local web browser (You will see a note about it in the '''INSTALL''' file).</li>
::* Go onto your host, open Firefox and on the address bar type "'''vm1.<yourSenecaID>.ops/webmail/installer"''', make sure your dns on host can resolve the web address. Alternatively, instead of "vm1.<yourSenecaID>.ops" you can input the ip address of your vm1, "'''192.168.X.2/webmail/installer"''', change X to your own IP octet.
::* Inside the web browser installer, ensure all required options are "'''ok'''", if "'''DOM: not ok'''" it means you need to install additional php packages (yum install php-xml php-mbstring). Once everything is ready (it will not let you continue otherwise) click next go to the next page.
::* On the next page, under the '''IMAP settings''' insert '''vm3.<yourSenecaID>.ops''' in '''default_host''' field and '''143''' in '''default_port''' field. Under '''SMTP settings''' insert '''vm2.<yourSenecaID>.ops''' in '''smtp_server''' field, and '''25''' in '''smtp_port''' field. Ensure '''smtp_user/smtp_pass''' is '''empty''' and '''uncheck''' the "Use the current IMAP username and password for SMTP authentication" checkbox.
::* Under '''Database setup''' '''db_dsnw''', enter "localhost" as your database server, "roundcubemail" for database name. Put "roundcube" as Database user, and the password you set for the roundcube user when you configured that in the previous step for database password. Everything else can be left as default.
::* Click Next to create the configuration file, then download it to your '''host'''. By default it will be saved under "'''~yourSenecaID/Downloads"'''. Transfer that file '''to vm1''' using '''scp''' and place it inside '''/var/www/html/webmail/config''' folder.
::* Go to test config page if you are not there already and "Check config file" should be ok. "Check DB config" should also be ok, if not check your mysql settings.
::* Make sure your SMTP and IMAP servers are running, then finally test your configuration by sending email using your smtp server through test field provided by webmail installer, you should receive a test email sent by RoundCube. Test your IMAP settings by simply loging in with your SenecaID and vm3 password on the same webpage.
<li>Now that you have Roundcube installed it is time to test if the roundcube webmail application is working by logging on, then sending and receiving e-mail messages:
*Using the Firefox webbrowser, navigate to '''vm1.<yourdomain>.ops/webmail ''' and login (using the username only).
*Use the interface provided to send and receive email.</li>
<li>If mail sent through roundcube is sending from the wrong domain (i.e. user@vm3.yourdomain.ops instead of user@yourdomain.ops), each user can override it in the settings tab, or you can set:

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