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In terms of functionalities, the Intel Inspector four different debuggers: Correctness Analyzer & Debugger, Memory Debugger, Threading Debugger, and Persistent Memory Debugger. In the scope of this course and project, we will focus on the first three debuggers.
The memory problem is a big headache in programming. The Memory Debugger in Intel Inspector detects and locates the memory error location, as well as providing a graphical tool to show memory growth, locate the call stack and code where the memory growth is produced.
In a program, threading problems are very hard to detect and locate since they are usually considered 'errors' in the program logic. The reason for this is that threading problems are often non-deterministic problems such as race conditions and deadlock. These kinds of problems do not happen in every run of the program and even they happen, the program runs as usual but generates wrong outputs. The Threading Debugger inside Intel Inspector works as an efficient diagnosis tool against threading errors in the program even if the program does not encounter the error. This debugger is especially helpful when building HPC applications and optimizing codes using multi-threading algorithms.
= How to use =
It is extremely simple to use Intel Inspector. The Intel Inspector can work as a stand-alone application or as an insider function of the IDE. Here we use Microsoft Visual Studio as an example.