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OPS705 Lab 2 (2207)

604 bytes added, 18:12, 22 September 2020
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== Part 5: Adding Your Professor As A User ==Part of the advantage of cloud computing is the ability for anyone to access your resource (VM), as long as you allow it. As part of marking these labs, you need to create a second user within each OS. Adding a User in CentOS:# Log in remotely using SSH.# Run the following command: <code>sudo useradd -G wheel chris.johnson</code># Run the following command, supplying a temporary password that you will e-mail to me: <code>passwd chris.johnson ''temppass''</code># Notify me by e-mail you've created that account, and include the temporary password. == Part 6: A Note About Resource Usage ==
As mentioned during our lecture and throughout this lab, using resources responsibly is incredibly important. We pay for what we use. While we have a failsafe in place to stop all VMs at 2:00am EST daily, don't rely on it! Fully stop your VMs when you're not using them.

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