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OPS705 Lab 1 (2207)

811 bytes added, 20:29, 3 August 2020
INVESTIGATION 3: Testing With a Web App Instance
# In the configure blade pop-up, in the ''Environment name'' text box, enter: yourSenecaUsername-lab1 (substitute ''yourSenecaUsername'' with your actual Seneca username)
# You'll be sent back to the ''My virtual machines'' blade, and see a brief notification at the top of your window that your environment is being created. This can take a few minutes. A new notification will appear when creation is complete. It will also be added to your list of virtual machines momentarily.
# Once creation is complete, you'll see another notification. Otherwise, look for the ''Status'' of the new Web App to say '''RunningReady'''.# When the app is ready, click on it.# In the app's Overview, you'll see a list of resources. Find the one with the type ''App Service plan'' and click it.# In this new blade, find the ''App(s) / Slots'' status in the second column at the top of the Overview tab. Click the '''1 / 0'' link.# Now click on the one instance listed.# You should now be in an Overview blade of this instance, with a randomly generated name. Find the ''URL'' status and click on the link.# A new page will open with the text ''Hey, App Service Developers!''.# Test complete! This web page is now accessible anywhere from that URL, and serves as an easy test of your account. We'll dive into what a Web App is and why you had to click through to many blades to get to the URL in the second half of the course (after Study Week).

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