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# Once you've set that up, verify it by logging out and logging back in again.
# Conduct a small celebration (pat on the back, a quick jig, perhaps a fist pump) and move on to Part 2.
== Part 2: DevTest Labs ==
# Click on the menu bar icon, and select ''All Services''. (Refer to Figure 1.)
# In the ''Search All'' text box, type '''DevTest Labs'''.
# Click '''DevTest Labs'''.
# Click '''OPS705-2207-NAA'''.
# With this new window (i.e. blade) open, find the push-pin icon next to the title, and click it. This will add it to your Dashboard for easy navigation next time you log in.
# In the newly-opened ''Pin to dashboard'' options window, select ''Private'' and ''My Dashboard'', then click '''Pin'''.