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OPS435 Online Lab1

913 bytes added, 15:22, 13 May 2020
Lab Review
:# What is the name of the definitive branch in a git repository?
:# What is a "pull request" related to a branch in a git repository?
:# Write Python code that when run, will perform the following tasks:<ol type="a"><li>Contain a she-bang line</li><li>Display a greetings message to the user</li><li>display an empty line ('''hint:''' use the special character '''\n''' to print the a new-line character)</li><li>Display text, '''"Your current directory is:"''' (You are NOT required to display quotation marks)</li><li>Display the current working directory pathname (using an appropriate command)</li><li>Display another empty line</li></ol>
:# How do you execute a Python script when you are within the <u>ipython3</u> shell?
:# How do you execute a Python script when you are in the <u>Bash</u> Shell (i.e. NOT within the Ipython3 shell)?
:# Write the pipeline command to check if the checking script exists, and download it from the location:<br>

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