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2 bytes added, 11:55, 8 January 2020
The 6502 (and its variants) is an 8-bit processor with a 16-bit address bus. It is therefore able to access 64 kilobytes (2<sup>16</sup> bytes). Since each 16-bit address is comprised of two 8-bit bytes, memory can be viewed as 256 pages of 256 bytes each.
Each pointer in memory is stored in two consecutive memory locations, with the lowest-value byte stored first; this is known as [[Endian#Little-Endian|Little Endian]] order. Thus, a pointer at memory location $100010, which pointed to memory location $1234ABCD, would be stored like this:
Memory $10 -> 0010: $34CD Memory $11 -> 0011: $12AB
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