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OPS435 Ansible

1,224 bytes added, 16:09, 24 November 2019
Investigation III: Playbook for setting up a CentOS machine
= Investigation III: Using Playbook to config a OPS435 Linux machine =: You have just installed the latest version of CentOS 7.x on a VM with GNOME Desktop. You need to configure it so that you can use it for doing the Labs for OPS435. The following configuration need to be done on that VM::* update all the packages installed on the VM:* install extra packages repository for setting up enterprise Linux:* install python3 if it is not already installed:* set the host name to your Seneca user name:* install the git package:* create a CentOS machine new user with your Seneca_id with sudo access:* configure the new user account so that you can ssh to it without password:* setup a directory structs for completing and organizing labs as shown below:<source lang="bash"> /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab0 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab1 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab2 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab3 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab4 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab5 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab6 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab7 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab8 /home/[seneca_id]/ops435/lab9</source>:* create a playbook named "config_ops435.yml" to perform the tasks mentioned above.:* test your playbook and capture its output when it complete without error.
= Lab 9 Sign-off (Show Instructor) =

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