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OPS435 Python3 Assignment 2P

56 bytes added, 17:27, 7 November 2019
Tests and Test results
== Tests and Test results ==
You must name your class definition python 3 script for Date as <code>a1_[Student_ida1_class_id].py</code>. The following examples assumes that the student_id is rchan. This test script is for testing your class defination.The test script should accept accepts two command line arguments, the first one is the date in "YYYY/MM/DD" format, and the second one is the number of day from the given date, a positive value indicates the number of days after the given date, and a negative value indicates the number of days before the given date. There is an optional flag called --step which can be provided at the command line that makes causes the program to print out all dates until between the given date and the target date. If the "YYYY/MM/DD" format is broken, your the test script should give an appropriate is responsible for handling the format error message. Invalid months (>12) or invalid days of month(different for each month), should be detected and give appropriate error messagesin your Date class code. For examples:
* <b><code>python3 2019/01/01 1</code></b>, and the output should be<br />

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